Is ED an Inevitable Part of the Aging Process?

One of the most common sex-related problems, ED affects men of all ages. But, since age is one of the more important risk factors for this condition, many people think it’s inevitable or at least a normal part of the aging process.

So, does ED come with age?

Important Facts About ED

To answer this question, we first need to go over some important facts about ED. Getting an erection may seem simple and mechanical, but it’s actually a result of a complicated process that happens in our bodies. It’s a synchronized relationship between our brain, blood vessels, and the spongy tissue in the penis. A malfunction of any of these parts can result in erectile dysfunction.

Causes of ED

ED can be a sign of many underlying health conditions. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Diabetes;
  • Obesity;
  • Heart disease;
  • Low testosterone;
  • Enlarged prostate;
  • Parkinson’s disease;
  • Multiple sclerosis.

However, ED doesn’t always have to be connected to a chronic illness. It can also be affected by less serious condition or non-medical factors like:

  • Increased alcohol consumption;
  • Anxiety and stress;
  • Depression;
  • Tobacco use;
  • Various prescription medications.

Does ED Come With Age?

While aging can certainly be added to the list of risk factors for ED, this condition shouldn’t be considered normal even as we reach late adulthood. In fact, no more than four percent of men in their 50s and 17% of men over 60 experience an inability to achieve an erection.

However, since our testosterone levels naturally decrease with old age, some erection problems are normal.


So, does ED come with age? Although some erection problems are normal as we get older, this still doesn’t mean you’re doomed to experience ED. If you notice symptoms of ED, contact your doctor so you can find a possible cause.

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